Over Yonder Cay’s Renewable Energy System Overview

The island operates on a state-of-the-art, sustainable energy system designed to maximize efficiency and reliability. This robust system integrates wind, solar, and advanced battery storage with intelligent controls and monitoring to ensure seamless energy management and distribution, supporting the island’s needs sustainably and effectively.


Energy Production

Wind Turbines

Three Northern Power Systems 100-21 (100 kW each) | Direct Drive | Full Converter, Variable Speed | Stall Controlled.

Solar Field

720 kW DCSTC (Direct Current Standard Test Conditions) | Direct through 750 kW MPPT to Battery Storage System.
Diesel Gensets – Three 3306 Caterpillars (250 kW each).

Energy Storage

Battery Storage System

6 MW Hours | Approximately 2 Days of Autonomy under typical island loads.

Water Cisterns

500,000 total gallons of storage.

Energy Management & Distribution

Parallel Bidirectional Multiport Inverters

Two 300 kVA Parallel Units.


13.2 kVA Distribution Loop | 480 VAC Transformers.

Controls & Monitoring

Microgrid Controller

2U Rackmount, Intelligent Microgrid Controller.

Island-wide SCADA System

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System with remote monitoring, controls, data archiving and simulation capabilities.

Island Weather Station

Website Link

Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus Wireless (Weather Station ID: ITHEBAHA3): Linked to weather-forecasting island micro grid controller.